20 Weirdest Places People have had Sex…
We all have our strangest places that we have had sex, but what about that average person? Do you think they are perhaps a little more risqué than we think? Well there is only one place to find this information without either getting arrested, or beat to death by a group of old ladies with purses; the Internet! So where do you all get busy when the moon is out?
Let’s find out:
- ‘In a motel 9…’ (Duh… I said strangest; not lamest!)
- 'In the middle of the street.’ (I think it might actually be safer driving.)
- ‘In a wheel barrel…’ (Talk about trimming two bushes with one stone.)
- ‘Would you could you in a boat? Would you could you with a goat?’ (Get the hell off here Dr. Seus; you didn’t even answer the damn question correctly!)
- ’In a tree.’ (Ouch! Can you say bark?)
- ‘At the bar; waiting to be seated for dinner.’ (Now that’s one way to make the time go by faster.)
- ‘On the beach.’ (Who hasn’t; at least in our dreams.)
- ‘On the third floor of my ex-girlfriends sisters’ apartment hallway at 4:30 in the morning… during a nine person orgy after the closing of the twelfth annual Lesbian/Gay Student Association Convention.’ (Got that one down in the memory banks, don’t we?)
- ‘On the 50th yard line at my high school. There wasn’t a game or anything. (Yah, I think that maybe would have caused an interference.)
- ‘In my bed; while it was on fire…’ (Stop, Drop, and F#$%...)
- ‘… Antarctica?’ (No baby; I didn’t say the coldest.)
- ‘In the backseat of my motorcycle.’ (I didn’t know there was such a thing?)
- ‘The Public Washroom of McDonalds.’ (Yes, and I’d like a vanilla milkshake with that Big Mac please.)
- ‘On the roof top of my Grandmothers apartment building.’ (Where was Granny; wait, maybe I don’t want to know?)
- ‘During the ride, it’s a small world, at Disney Land. I could go on with a few others, but I’m really not that much of an exhibitionist.’ (Umm yah, okay?)
- ‘On my Boss’s desk.’ (Up for promotion?)
- ‘What I came to find out was a prostitute; sat beside me on a bench. She stroked me… When I came, I remember being afraid she was going to charge me for it, so I pretended nothing happened.’ (You mean she didn’t know?)
- ‘I try to have sex everywhere I go. You name it, I’ve probably done it there…’ (What are you doing for lunch?)
- ‘In the butt (Wink, wink)…’ (Popular answer these days!)
- ‘In the White House…’ (Yah, yah… who hasn’t…)
Thank you all, for the continued support of our Internet spy video websites. Without you; hundreds of budding children would be rather normal, boring, respectable citizens. The hell with respectable; we love Pee Wee Herman! THE END
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