Saturday, August 12, 2006

20 Weirdest Places People have had Sex…

We all have our strangest places that we have had sex, but what about that average person? Do you think they are perhaps a little more risqué than we think? Well there is only one place to find this information without either getting arrested, or beat to death by a group of old ladies with purses; the Internet! So where do you all get busy when the moon is out?

Let’s find out:

  1. ‘In a motel 9…’ (Duh… I said strangest; not lamest!)
  2. 'In the middle of the street.’ (I think it might actually be safer driving.)
  3. ‘In a wheel barrel…’ (Talk about trimming two bushes with one stone.)
  4. ‘Would you could you in a boat? Would you could you with a goat?’ (Get the hell off here Dr. Seus; you didn’t even answer the damn question correctly!)
  5. ’In a tree.’ (Ouch! Can you say bark?)
  6. ‘At the bar; waiting to be seated for dinner.’ (Now that’s one way to make the time go by faster.)
  7. ‘On the beach.’ (Who hasn’t; at least in our dreams.)
  8. ‘On the third floor of my ex-girlfriends sisters’ apartment hallway at 4:30 in the morning… during a nine person orgy after the closing of the twelfth annual Lesbian/Gay Student Association Convention.’ (Got that one down in the memory banks, don’t we?)
  9. ‘On the 50th yard line at my high school. There wasn’t a game or anything. (Yah, I think that maybe would have caused an interference.)
  10. ‘In my bed; while it was on fire…’ (Stop, Drop, and F#$%...)
  11. ‘… Antarctica?’ (No baby; I didn’t say the coldest.)
  12. ‘In the backseat of my motorcycle.’ (I didn’t know there was such a thing?)
  13. ‘The Public Washroom of McDonalds.’ (Yes, and I’d like a vanilla milkshake with that Big Mac please.)
  14. ‘On the roof top of my Grandmothers apartment building.’ (Where was Granny; wait, maybe I don’t want to know?)
  15. ‘During the ride, it’s a small world, at Disney Land. I could go on with a few others, but I’m really not that much of an exhibitionist.’ (Umm yah, okay?)
  16. ‘On my Boss’s desk.’ (Up for promotion?)
  17. ‘What I came to find out was a prostitute; sat beside me on a bench. She stroked me… When I came, I remember being afraid she was going to charge me for it, so I pretended nothing happened.’ (You mean she didn’t know?)
  18. ‘I try to have sex everywhere I go. You name it, I’ve probably done it there…’ (What are you doing for lunch?)
  19. ‘In the butt (Wink, wink)…’ (Popular answer these days!)
  20. ‘In the White House…’ (Yah, yah… who hasn’t…)

Thank you all, for the continued support of our Internet spy video websites. Without you; hundreds of budding children would be rather normal, boring, respectable citizens. The hell with respectable; we love Pee Wee Herman! THE END


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