Monday, July 31, 2006

Flats Be Gone

It would thus appear that flat tires could be a thing of the past in the not so distant future. The new tire is called a Tweel; and is a tire wheel combination that is designed to use absolutely no air, be incredibly durable, and provide good solid handling.

Now, I understand about flat tires being annoying and all, but shouldn’t someone be designing a few options for our current gas situation. I mean, I don’t think that any of us will be getting many flats in the near future when our cars are sitting gasless in our driveways decorated with potted plants, and a swinging loveseat bolted to the hood!

Speaking of gas prices, would you like to know where the best price gas can be found in your area? I thought you might… just click here and put in your zip code.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Unemployment Blues

I don’t know about you people out there, but I have never liked receiving those fundamental rejection letters. They are always so cold, deceitful, heartless, brutal, condescending, heartfelt, honest, and truthful all at the same time. Worst yet, they always seem to come at the worst time; like when you’re trying to get a new job. There is a way however to turn those blues into gainful employment. All you need to do is fill in the blanks on this simple form letter, and send it to your top choice rejecter. Please be careful and do not over send this form; otherwise you may find yourself gainfully over-employed, which is butt (pun intended) a whole different monkey to pull out of your crack.

You Think Your Job is Bad?

Well think again… there are a lot of crappy jobs out there that make yours look like the official taste tester of Godiva chocolates. That is unless you are one of those unlucky folks with the worst jobs of the world. If one of you unfortunate schleps has wondered onto this blog in search of the meaning of life, I’ll tell you what; I do have the answer from which you seek, and I can summarize them all with this simple three step process:

1. GET
3. JOB

Bonus step: PLEASE!